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Home and Family (An Ordinary Life), installation with objects and 110 paintings on paper 2024

At Lars Embäck's exhibition, we are greeted by a room within a room, with objects common in a home combined and rearranged into a strange dreamlike scene. Around this a flow of drawings and sketches in color. In several of the pictures there are references to Hilma af Klint. A question of when "hearing voices" becomes an act of artistic spirituality versus what is labeled suffering and madness. As often in Embäck's work, there are clues to his biography here. But more important is that images and objects are woven together into a giant "sketchbook", sketches on sketches, which asks the question of how ordinary an "ordinary life" is.

The installation "Home and Family (An Ordinary Life)" has been acquired by Moderna Museet, Sweden 2024.